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Oil Contamination: The Biodiesel Bug

February 2020
Oil Contamination: The Biodiesel Bug

Fuel bugs – The reason you should be using fuel additives

Recent changes to the RTFO (Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation) which has resulted in increased biodiesel content (FAME) has been subject to much controversy across various industries that rely on gas oil.

What is FAME?

Fatty Acid Methyl Esters are acids created during the transesterification of animal fats and vegetable oils to create biodiesel.

Contamination problems:

The methyl esters in biodiesel have shown to absorb more moisture than diesel that is derived from petroleum.

Generally, petroleum derived fuels absorb less water and therefore reduce the risk of microbial growth which can lead to diesel bugs. These bugs or bacteria can spread through the fuel and end up contaminating the fuel permanently. The contaminated fuel can then lead to blocked filters in vehicles and machinery and even lead to much more severe issues if the fuel remains untreated.

A few examples of how to tell if your fuel is contaminated:

  • Blocked filters that regularly require changing
  • Sediments in the filters that have a dark appearance
  • Engines suddenly losing power
  • Bad smell of black smoke from exhausts
  • Increased fuel consumption
  • Difficulty in starting the engine
Bio-diesel bug diagram

How do you prevent this from happening?

By adding just 1 litre Exocet gas oil conditioner to 2000 litres of gas oil, the negative effects of the higher biodiesel content are significantly reduced. The conditioner also contains a biocide at a level that will protect fuel and keep it fresh for up to 2 years even when it contains up to 7% biodiesel.

Get in touch with one of our experts for more information on the product or if you require any advice.